Vores vision

Empower People to Achieve Fulfilling Careers.


„Vi spørger de rekrutteringsansvarlige, hvad der skaber et vellykket CV. Derefter tager vi disse indsigter og bygger dem ind i vores CV-skabeloner. Så når du bruger vores online CV-bygger, ved du, at du giver de rekrutteringsansvarlige præcis det, de vil have.”


Et projekts fødsel

Novorésumé begyndte i 2014, da Andrei, Cristian og Stefan bemærkede et fælles problem blandt flere af deres kontakter. På trods af omfattende erhvervserfaring og imponerende færdigheder vidste disse personer ikke, hvordan de skulle fremvise deres talenter med et professionelt CV og en ansøgning. De tre fornemmede en mulighed for at hjælpe andre med deres jobsøgning og gik sammen om at udforske mulige løsninger som led i et universitetsprojekt.


Ved at kombinere deres respektive baggrunde inden for teknologi, marketing og design fik de tre ideen til et intuitivt, webbaseret værktøj, der ville gøre det så enkelt som muligt at producere et iøjnefaldende CV.


Efter en grundig udviklings- og testproces blev resultatet en online CV-builder, der kombinerer funktionalitet og æstetik for at maksimere brugernes chancer for at blive inviteret til jobsamtale. Applikationen blev lanceret første gang i februar 2016, og den fik hurtigt international opmærksomhed efter at være blevet omtalt i Times, Forbes og Business Insider.


Vi har altid troet på, at samskabelse med brugere og rekrutteringsansvarlige er nøglen til vores succes. Ved at bede om feedback fra begge grupper sikrer vi, at brugernes og de rekrutteringsansvarliges behov hele tiden stemmer overens med vores produkter. Det giver os ikke kun mulighed for at forbedre den nuværende applikation, men det har også ført til flere ideer til yderligere produkter og tjenester.

Stefan Polexe

CEO & Co-Founder

„Many people wonder why this Transylvanian is awake at night… All we know is that by dawn, he disappeared, leaving behind only an empty coffee mug and mysterious new updates.”

Andrei Kurtuy

CCO & Co-founder

„An avid marketer, researcher, and bookworm at heart. He loves reading biographies of great people and running as a form of meditation.”

Cristian Letai

CDO/Chief of Joy & Co-Founder

„A badass visual designer who never misses a chance to throw in some nerdy PUNchlines during creative meetings. Besides his undying love for Star Wars, he cares about the environment and sustainability.”

Frederik Smal

UX Product Owner

„An art lover and designer obsessed with making things work better. When he is not designing products or processes, he is likely cooking or sitting in a gallery in front of Rothko’s paintings. He is desperate to learn to play the piano.”

Søren Østerbye

Creative Director

„After falling in love with MS.Paint at the age of 7, he has moved on to other programs such as Illustrator, Cinema 4D, and Kerbal Space Program. Creativity through software is his thing.”

Timea Kiss

Tech Lead

„An absolute beer geek, architecture lover, and unstoppable traveler. She can be found lingering around high places like mountains or skyscrapers if she is not writing code.”

Urte Ciegyte

Office Manager

„A fanatic of structure and orderliness, she ensures the daily smooth running of our workplace. If not at the office, Urte can be seen exploring the city with her loyal sidekick, Dobby the doggo..”

Stefania Popescu

Junior Developer

„Always looking to learn, she embarked on a new adventure and made a career change to become a Software Developer. She enjoys cooking, outdoor walks, and taking pictures of city views.”

Romain Pennel

Customer Support Associate

„With a people-first approach, he focuses on offering excellent support to users. He also facilitates the development team's work by improving internal processes and making each member feel heard. He likes to go crate-digging to expand his record collection.”

Clàudia Mateu Vidal

Social Media Copywriter

„A communicator with a passion for storytelling and content creation. When she is not looking for the right words, she is probably taking pictures, picking up new sewing crafts, or watching the latest true crime documentary release.”

Maria Grifoll Nogues

Learning Specialist

„Curious at heart, Maria's mission is to help the brain process, understand, and retain information. In her free time, she enjoys Aperol Spritzes in the sun, compelling novels, and the company of friends that will join in her hiking and winter bathing adventures.”

Sarah Jane Brandt

Junior Creative

„She is a creative mastermind in observing her surroundings and implementing them into illustrations. Sarah always tries to push her limits. She also likes to watch good movies and discover new books to expand her horizons.”

Aleksandr Beliun

Full-Stack Developer

„A tech enthusiast and seeker of knowledge and occasional adventures. He codes for fun and likes to explore what the internet has to offer. When he is not busy, he pretends to be a deceptive old orc.”


Team Advisor

„A standup owl who loves to chat with anyone everywhere. Despite his serious appearance, he is a prankster at heart who is always cracking jokes at the office and then laughing at himself. He sure is hilarious...”

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